We are advancing into a technological era where every other upcoming technology is more improved than the previous one. A new technology is born every second and so is the case with mobile apps. Unless and until, the app has unique features, it will not rank up in the search results in the app store. There are 5 things you should know before developing your first Android app:
Add a hint of uniqueness to your idea
The idea behind the app should be one of its kind. There are many apps launched every hour that resemble the existing apps but they do not necessarily get popular amongst the users. The essence is to address the users’ requirement through the unique concept. There are many online resources that offer exceptional ideas for developing unique Android apps.
Get app store optimised
One of the biggest challenges that app developers face is the ranking of apps in search results of the app store. With hundreds and millions of apps launching every day, the popular ones tend to stay up on the ranking while others go unnoticed. For beginners it is necessary to work out on their app store optimisation (ASO) strategies. The icon, visuals, reviews and the name of app should all be focused upon carefully. Insert suitable keywords and visuals to enhance the presentation of the app. Use other popular ASO techniques to grab the attention of your target audience instantly.
Compare your app with the rest in your category
It is important for a developer to compare and contrast the app with all the rest in the category/genre on Google Play. This is a good way of minimising the risk of possible errors in the apps and improving the versions according to the technological advancements. Consequently this will also improve the rating and reviews of users which will enhance the app store optimisation and boost the ranking.
Choose the right time for launching your mobile app
For beginners it is important to set a time for launching the android app. A good time for usually launching apps is either the holiday season or in summers. People are usually free during this time and busy with casual browsing. Thus it is best to launch an app during the time when people are looking for fresh apps to fulfil their needs. Developers can also take it as an advantage to upgrade their existing apps so as to attract a fresh wave of users.